Examples ======== This page shows examples of practical uses of this package. Start of a global dust storm ---------------------------- When was the start of the 2018 global dust storm? `Sanchez-Lavega et al (2019) `_ simply mention they first saw it expanding on 2018-05-30. .. code-block:: python import datetime import mars_time start = mars_time.datetime_to_marstime(datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 30)) print(start.year, f'{start.sol:.0f}', f'{start.solar_longitude:.0f}') This gives Mars year 34, sol 379, and a solar longitude 184 degrees. Opportunity length ------------------ How long was the Opportunity rover in operation? `Wikipedia's Opportunity page `_ says it landed on 2004-01-25 at 05:05 UTC and entered hibernation on 2018-06-12. .. code-block:: python import datetime import mars_time start = mars_time.datetime_to_marstime(datetime.datetime(2004, 1, 25, 5, 5, 0)) end = mars_time.datetime_to_marstime(datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0)) print(f'{(end-start).sols:.1f}') This gives 5111.3, consistent with the Wikipedia page. Season of the water-ice halo ---------------------------- At what solar longitude did `Lemmon et al (2022) `_ find water-ice halos? They mention "A water-ice halo was unambiguously visible on sol 292 (of Perseverance's life)..." and `Wikipedia's Perseverance page `_ mentions the Perseverance rover successfully landed on 2021-02-18 at 20:55 UTC. .. code-block:: python import datetime import mars_time landing_time = mars_time.datetime_to_marstime(datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 18, 20, 55, 0)) detection_time = landing_time + mars_time.MarsTimeDelta(sol=292) print(f'{detection_time.solar_longitude:.1f}') This gives 142.5, consistent with the values in the paper.