Release Notes ============= This page describes the changes from release to release. v1.0 ---- Initial release! API changes *********** * Added class :class:`mars_time.MarsTime` * Added class :class:`mars_time.MarsTimeDelta` * Added function :func:`mars_time.datetime_to_marstime` * Added function :func:`mars_time.marstime_to_datetime` * Added function :func:`mars_time.get_current_marstime` * Added function :func:`mars_time.find_aphelion` * Added function :func:`mars_time.find_perihelion` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.mars_year_start_days_since_j2000` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.seconds_per_day` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.seconds_per_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.hours_per_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.aphelion_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.aphelion_solar_longitude` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.perihelion_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.perihelion_solar_longitude` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.northern_spring_equinox_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.northern_summer_solstice_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.northern_autumn_equinox_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.northern_winter_solstice_sol` * Added constant :data:`mars_time.constants.sols_per_year` * Added function :func:`mars_time.constants.mars_year_starting_datetimes` * Added function :func:`mars_time.constants.sols_per_mars_year` Documentation changes ********************* * Added a home page * Added an installation page * Added an examples page * Added a release notes page (this page) Project changes *************** * Added a readme file * Added a pylint file for setting pylint options * Added a pytest file for setting pytest options * Added a contributing guidelines file * Added Github CI files * Added a license * Added installation files